Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kuksovo and Ostankino Estates

Travel to Russia is always overwhelmed with beautiful sights. Kuksovo Estate is one of the most beautiful estates of the 18th century, which is sometimes called the Moscow Versailles for its gardens in a French style. The estate belonged to the family of Russian general Boris Sheremetyev. The estate was not only a summer residence, but also a popular place for private receptions and celebrations. The main palace was fully reconstructed after being destructed by the French army in1812. Nowadays Moscow tour to the main palace of the estate hosts classical music concerts and festivities, organized by French and US Embassies. The interior of the palace is magnificent and really incredible.

Whe you concider Moscow travel you should visit Ostankino Estate, another residence of Sheremetyev family. This estate was built in the end of the 18th century by Count Nicolai Sheremetyev. In Soviet times the estate was turned into a Museum of Serf Art, as it was designed and built by serf craftsmen. The classical interior of the palace is really impressive. The gardens of the estate have numerous antique statues.

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