Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Art Museums in Moscow

Among the most popular museums in Moscow are the museums dedicated to famous writers, artists and musicians. Travel to Moscow you would see that most of these museums represent the life and works of the legendary Russian people. Here are some of them: Aksakov museum, Andrey Rublyov Museum, Dostoyevsky Museum, Pushkin State Museum and many others.

Akstakov Museum represents the life and works of famous Russian writer nd literary critic Sergey Akstakov. The museum is located in the house of Akstakov family, where they lived from 1848. Original decorations of the house were preserved. Various exhibitions are held there representing the works of this writer.

Chekov House- Museum represents the life and works of the most famous Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov. The museum is located in the house, where Chekov lived from the period from 1886 to 1890.The museum holds regular excursions and lectures about the life and works of Anton Chekhov. You can specify tour to Russia if you want to visit this museums.

The excursions to all these museums are very interesting. Tourists will get new information about life and works of famous Russian artists, writers and musicians. And dont forget to book hotel in Moscow.

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