Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Red Square

Many tourist travel to Russia to see its beautiful sights, antique architect structures and feel the glorious history of a country. Moscow is first of all famous for one of the 7 wonders of todays world- the Red Square. Every foreigner is dreaming to step on its ground that seen most difficult and bright moments of Russian history. Made from red bricks, Red Square gathered all the pain and sacrifises combined with happiness and triumf of a great country.

It was build in XV century at the same time with Creml. In 1917 at the time of great Russian Revolution it was a simbol of communists and working force. From 1918 there were anually held demonstrations and parades, which are still taking place. After a death of Lenin in 1924 mausoleum was constructed on a square where the body of a first Soviet Union leader rest till this day. Visit Russia, Moscow and you can walk inside of mausoleum and see this eccentric person that change a life of the whole world.

The size of a Red Square is 330 on 70 meters. It may seem small, but you can say so when you see thouthands of warriors and war mashines at the time of parade. You can watch it from numerous Mosocow hotels located right by the square. Building and parks that surrounding it made it an attractive place for visit at any time of year. This is one of the most popular places in Moscow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Art Museums in Moscow

Among the most popular museums in Moscow are the museums dedicated to famous writers, artists and musicians. Travel to Moscow you would see that most of these museums represent the life and works of the legendary Russian people. Here are some of them: Aksakov museum, Andrey Rublyov Museum, Dostoyevsky Museum, Pushkin State Museum and many others.

Akstakov Museum represents the life and works of famous Russian writer nd literary critic Sergey Akstakov. The museum is located in the house of Akstakov family, where they lived from 1848. Original decorations of the house were preserved. Various exhibitions are held there representing the works of this writer.

Chekov House- Museum represents the life and works of the most famous Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov. The museum is located in the house, where Chekov lived from the period from 1886 to 1890.The museum holds regular excursions and lectures about the life and works of Anton Chekhov. You can specify tour to Russia if you want to visit this museums.

The excursions to all these museums are very interesting. Tourists will get new information about life and works of famous Russian artists, writers and musicians. And dont forget to book hotel in Moscow.

Scientific Museums of Moscow

Moscow has a wide range of museums, which are of great interest for the tourists visit Russia who interested in art, music, literature, history or science. All the museums are open most days of the week.There are more than three hundred museums in the city, among which there are museums dedicated to famous artists, writers and musicians, as well as military and historical museums.

Scientific museums of Moscow are located in different parts of the city and most of them were founded in different epochs. Each of them are usual rought for the Moscow tours. Here are the historical museums of Moscow- Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, Darwin Museum, Zoological museum, Politechnical Museum and many others.Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is located in the base of the monument to the conquerors of Space, which represents an enormous silver rocket, soaring into the sky. The museum was opened to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Gagarin’s first flight into orbit. The museum has various video presentations of the missions to the orbit.

Politecnical Museum is located in a nineteenth century beautiful building. The museum has more than 20000 artifacts, diagrams, experiments and working models, which illustrate different aspects of science and technology. Travel to Moscow Russia would introduce you to the rich history of Russia.

Kuksovo and Ostankino Estates

Travel to Russia is always overwhelmed with beautiful sights. Kuksovo Estate is one of the most beautiful estates of the 18th century, which is sometimes called the Moscow Versailles for its gardens in a French style. The estate belonged to the family of Russian general Boris Sheremetyev. The estate was not only a summer residence, but also a popular place for private receptions and celebrations. The main palace was fully reconstructed after being destructed by the French army in1812. Nowadays Moscow tour to the main palace of the estate hosts classical music concerts and festivities, organized by French and US Embassies. The interior of the palace is magnificent and really incredible.

Whe you concider Moscow travel you should visit Ostankino Estate, another residence of Sheremetyev family. This estate was built in the end of the 18th century by Count Nicolai Sheremetyev. In Soviet times the estate was turned into a Museum of Serf Art, as it was designed and built by serf craftsmen. The classical interior of the palace is really impressive. The gardens of the estate have numerous antique statues.

Archangelskoye and Kolomenskotye Estates

Archangelskoye Estate is a 17th century estate, which was owned by Russian Prince Nikolai Yusupov. Prince Nicolai Yusupov was one of the richest persons in the whole Russia in the 19th century. He bought the estate in 1809 after Prince Golitsyn’s death. When you travel to Russia now you will find this palace just as it was two centuries ago. The estate has wonderful gardens and terraces, where tourists can have walks. The main palace of the estate is very beautiful, created in neoclassical style. The palace and other buildings of the estate are lavishly decorated and furnished with taste. Most of the gardens of the estate designed in an Italian style. The estate is one of the most popular tourist attraction when they travel to Moscow.

Kolomenskoye Estate is another famous estate outside Moscow, which was built in the 14th century. In the 16th century the estate has become the summer residence of Russian tsars. In the 17th century the estate was fully destroyed by the Tatars and only in 1667 was rebuilt by Russian tsar Mikhail Romanov.Kolomenskoye Estate is known for the Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which was built in the 17th century. The estate has palaces and churches , which should be visited on Russia vacation.

Estates of Moscow

Moscow is a city, where tourists can find attractions not only inside the city, but also outside. The tourists have a chance to visit various estates and country houses belonging to most famous aristocratic figures. Most of the estates represent the 18th century architecture.Here are the most popular estates in Moscow Abramtsevo Estate, Arkhangelskoye Estate, Borodino, Kolomenskoye, Kuskovo and many others. Going to Moscow vacations would give you unforgettible experience.

The Abramtsevo Estate is one of the oldest ones outside the city and is located about seventy kilometers from Moscow deep in a forest. Some Moscow tours include such visit.The estate is one of the most beautiful ones in the Moscow’s countryside. The estate was a famous place among Russian artists, who came there to paint or to decorate various buildings located there. Many of the buildings of the estate are under renovation and not open to the visitors yet. In the woods near the estate, a wonderful House on Chicken Legs is located, where little children of the estate could play.