Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Red Square

Many tourist travel to Russia to see its beautiful sights, antique architect structures and feel the glorious history of a country. Moscow is first of all famous for one of the 7 wonders of todays world- the Red Square. Every foreigner is dreaming to step on its ground that seen most difficult and bright moments of Russian history. Made from red bricks, Red Square gathered all the pain and sacrifises combined with happiness and triumf of a great country.

It was build in XV century at the same time with Creml. In 1917 at the time of great Russian Revolution it was a simbol of communists and working force. From 1918 there were anually held demonstrations and parades, which are still taking place. After a death of Lenin in 1924 mausoleum was constructed on a square where the body of a first Soviet Union leader rest till this day. Visit Russia, Moscow and you can walk inside of mausoleum and see this eccentric person that change a life of the whole world.

The size of a Red Square is 330 on 70 meters. It may seem small, but you can say so when you see thouthands of warriors and war mashines at the time of parade. You can watch it from numerous Mosocow hotels located right by the square. Building and parks that surrounding it made it an attractive place for visit at any time of year. This is one of the most popular places in Moscow.